To assist you in filling in this form, please refer to the model available here

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Allowed file types: gif jpg jpeg png pdf.
1. Identification of artwork
On the front: signature, monogram, date, other (transcription and location to be specified); on the back (transcription and location to be specified)
Height x width in cm
Paint, oil, tempera, gouache, pastel, pencil, drawing, etc... On canvas, panel, paper, cardboard, hardboard, metal, other
Original canvas, intact original support, modified original support, original stretcher, replacement stretcher, tension strips, mounted support (marouflage), relined, transferred, laminated, other
2. Identification of marks/stamps/labels
Transcription is optional; it will be provided by Pascal Labreuche
Specify location: on canvas, on stretcher, on cardboard, on panel, on paper, on frame, on protective backing, other: top, center, bottom, left, right; further details
Height x width in mm. See the examples in the Glossary, entry, Dimensions
Example: stencil, red ink, purplish ink, other; wet (rubber, etc.) stamp; punch, raised mark, intaglio mark, wax seal, other. Description is optional; it will be provided by Pascal Labreuche
In principle, this will be the name of whoever took the photographs. If you do not want your name to be published, please state this below
(I cede these images to Pascal Labreuche free of charge and authorize him to reproduce these images of marks, labels, etc., in the Labreuche Guide or in any other publication by him in the future). If you require confidentiality, please indicate this in the Comment box
If you do not want your name to be published, please notify us here. Otherwise, picture credits will generally appear as: © followed by the photographer’s forename and surname
Wherever the mark is the subject of a report in addition to photographs
The contributor is the person who completes this form, whether or not he or she is the owner of the work or an agent of the museum or institution to which the work belongs. If the contact details differ from those in the box above (“Your contact details”), please indicate your first and last names, email address, and, optionally, your postal address and telephone number, here
* Champs obligatoires